The Concept Art of a Sequel to Batman Arkham Knight Has Surfaced on the Online Platform


There is something pretty interesting doing the rounds on the internet these days. A concept artwork featuring some captivating character designs can be seen around various online platforms that are supposedly from 2015’s Batman: Arkham Knight canceled sequel.

The graphical artwork of canceled Batman Arkham Knight sequel surfaces online  and is creating a substantial stir among enthusiastic fans. The original post that can be traced back to 4chan disclosed that it is part of a new game of the same franchise highlighting the life and storyline of Damien Wayne during a time when Batman has already retired from being the social savior and is in his old age. The codename that was given to this speculated game that was already in its developmental stage was ‘Project Sabbath’ and has some interesting additions in terms of characters, plots, and themes along with some being introduced in the entire series while others are just continuations of from older versions of the series.

The concept art that has been doing the rounds and picking up pace in terms of fan anticipation shows important characters of the story like Poison Ivy, an aged Dick Grayson (whose reappearance as Nightwing has been presumed for long), Gorilla Grodd, a female version of Black Mask, and an older Two-Face with his third personality, the Judge, would have been part of some of the main characters in the new game. There is a conspicuous display of these characters along with some interesting snapshots of Gotham City.  But sadly, Gotham City’s destruction and run-down in the artwork is disheartening. It also shows a glimpse of the iconic Wayne Enterprises building that seems to be abandoned and is disintegrating with time.

The post also divulges the names of some of the planned game mechanics as well in the canceled sequel. This version would have allowed gamers to ride around Gotham in the fancy Batbike, a striking change from the previously utilized Batmobile, although there is no trace of it in the artwork that was leaked. A major inclusion in the series would have been that of Nemesis System from the storyline of Lord of the Rings: Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War. Both Middle Earth games have used the significance of the Nemesis System that allows many unknown stories to come to light as the gamer gradually increases his difficulty levels to combat enemies, thus creating considerable ruckus among the enemy hierarchical structure. This one in particular would have been one of the biggest attractions of the game if it released.

The post that has been made anonymously does not say anything about the reason behind this cancellation or till what stage the development went into but all that could be understood out of it that the project was not undertaken by Rocksteady. The game was under the developmental concepts of WB Montreal that again explains the introduction of the Nemesis System in a Batman storyline. The post also mentions by their names some of the other projects in the cancellation line-up like a rejected Superman game and a Suicide Squad game that was under the prying rumors of fans for years now.

There have been rumors flying around the scene about the release of a new game in the linear series of Arkham but now, it is difficult to say if we are ever going to see it in action. With this cancellation officially breaking the hearts of many, another game called Batman: Arkham Insurgency might be in line for a potential release, although there have not been any substantial reports or updates regarding the same in the past year or so. In other news, Rocksteady is secretly working on their new game which is still undisclosed to the public.

Our biggest hope now is to wait till Gamescom commences and maybe all our answers will then be answered.


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